Sunday, March 16, 2008

MEN: Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.

What a refreshing philosophy, no? I'll tell you, it's a real problem sometimes, considering that I'm gay. Men, in case you don't know, are an integral part of gayness; without them, we'd all be lesbians. I don't know what it is but, I have a really difficult time dealing with men and all of their hoo hah. I seem to get along a lot better with women, as sexually arid as that is for me.

I like women. Some of my best friends are women; my mother was one and so is my sister. Come to think of it, they all have a hard time with men too. ;-( Maybe it's genetic?

My big problem with men is....

1) As smart as they may be, be they corporate titans or just Joe Everyday, their IQ flies out the window when they think with their dicks. Actually, this seems to be approximately the same in both the hetero- and homo- genre. Men make BIG mistakes following their cock. Let's all talk about Elliott Spitzer. Not to mention the embarassment that is Larry Craig. Oh yeah, and my ex.

2) EGO. Men have such a problem with it. And, it's funny what their ego gets them hung up on. Gay men get all caught up in a variety of egocentricities, but the one that knots my underwear, is appearance. We all take such pride in ourselves, making sure that we're up to date on the latest clothing, haircut, fragrance, et al. Our bodies are pre-eminent though. It is often the real deal breaker, with hyper worked out bodies refusing to even recognise anyone who isn't their mirror image. Personality doesn't count, education doesn't count, walking on water doesn't count. It's the size of the biceps, the number of visible abs and the size of your pecs. One of the most illustrative encounters I ever had, was standing in a crowded, popular bar, with hundreds of men of various shapes, sizes and appeal all standing around and I overheard a guy, who was standing beside me, confide to his friends, '..I don't know about you, but I'm the best looking guy here.' This astounded me for both it's meaness and shallowness. It was worse when I realised that he was being sincere. I wanted to hit him.

3) Masculinity. What the hell is this? I know the dictionary definition, but it seems to be highly individualised. On fuck sites, it's mentioned in practically every ad. Masculine looking and acting offered and sought. What the hell is this? Hairy? The ablility to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Butch? I remember one ' masculine' guy I fucked silly, actually barking in my ear during the seduction. I almost started laughin, which I'm pretty sure would have killed the mood. How masculine is it to take cock up your ass? I'm not an effeminate man, but I have a real problem with this one. Masculinity is innate which explains Rock Hudson's successful charade.

I'm hungry, so I'll continue this rant later.

1 comment:

C.P.L said...

I totally agree with your first paragraph about your problems with men. We do think we our dicks too much and for many it is their downfall and the source of all their problems--past and present.